Transformation to Your

MIRACLE SELF Masterclass

MAY 22, 2024 at 10 AM Central

Hosted by Susan Elizabeth Reis


 Thank you for choosing to come play with the Angels and other multi-dimensional beings who join us now to assist in bringing us to the highest version of ourselves where we together can create a world to love!

  You are appreciated and honored for showing up and sharing your gifts with the world! Our world needs us now!

This masterclass is for you if you are (or know you are going to be) an enlightened entrepreneur looking to create a career sharing your gifts with the world with calm and Joy. You are ready to become the energetic match for your next level of joyful abundance with calm trust and certainty. You are ready to give back to the world in a way that brings you your greatest Joy!

There are a few main things that hold powerful enlightened entrepreneurs back from creating their legacy lives and generational wealth.

KNOWN — Clarity — then choosing it and acting on it!

When we have too many ideas, we can easily be distracted and forget to slow down — stop and choose, then act without judging it or waiting to be perfect.

UNKNOWN — This is what stops most from moving into the next level

the stuck energies, interference energies, procrastinating energies and trickster energies that are not known by the conscious mind. (Light language bypasses the conscious mind and gets right to the problem, clearing it!)

When you are ready to create with a new powerful multidimensional energy of love aligned to the Divine Oneness Energy, you will feel the Joy of celebrating and creating what you desire — including helping your clients and tribe create what they desire.

You will experience quantum shifts physically, energetically, mentally and spiritually as you create the 3D/5D body and 3D/5D body of work — the business you desire that lights you up with great Joy and excitement!

When you learn to clear away all energy that isn’t for you and connect deeply to everything that is, living Joyfully as your abundant self becomes easy, fulfilling, & fun.


This is for you if…

✔️ You are here on this planet at this time to create something wonderful and magical, though you let perfectionism, imposter syndrome or not being good enough get in your way

✔️ You receive so many downloads and ideas that you are overwhelmed with and get paralyzed in indecision about what to do next in pursuing your Joyful business

✔️ You’re stuck in the HOW and not trusting that you are creating New Joyful Possibilities that have never existed before!

✔️ You are about to retire or begin your career sharing your intuitive abilities and feel like "Enough is enough — I am no longer playing small and not sharing my gifts with the world!"

✔️ You’re tired of living for everybody else, and you’re clear that now is your time to create what you came here to create, including leaving a legacy and generational wealth, if that is what you are choosing. Are you choosing that?

✔️ You’re not seeing the results you’d like to see in your life even though you have worked with teacher after teacher — and really feel there is an UNKNOWN energetic block stopping you.

✔️ You may not feel completely confident in knowing what it is that you are here to share, though you do know your intuitive gifts are amazing!

✔️ You struggle to align your focus with one idea, overthinking, becoming sidetracked and never really having anything to show for all your hard work. Eeek is this you?

✔️ You are ready to feel clear and grounded in your own path and purpose that it inevitably becomes a source of continued profit aligning you to your Joyful Enlightened Millionairess Life and Career, or whatever you desire!

Register to the Event!

Earth Angel, everything in life becomes Joyful when you trust and align with your Source/Higher Self, Higher Guides and Angels and co-create with calm and trust, fun and play!

Everything is always working out for you! You are here now—right?

Join me as we walk together in uncovering your path to your Joyful Enlightened Abundant Miracle Self!

Yes, I'm Ready!


This is what you will experience and walk away with

✔️ You will meet with your Source/Higher Self Highest Guides and Angels (your soul team), experience the highest consciousness that you are ready to receive. You will experience Light Language that takes you beyond what your mind can conceive. With Sound Therapy Activations you will enter into the Quantum Field to activate your life/business to a Joyful Abundance Level of Wealth in ways that you have never even imagined! You will enter the realm of New Joyful Possibilities!

✔️ You will hear beautiful messages from Angels in Songs that bring you peace, relaxation, calmness and very much Joy!

✔️ You will experience sound therapy, meditations and activations that will clear that which is not serving you and allow you to create all you desire!

✔️ You will experience yourself as a Multidimensional Creator. Once you know this power of you and feel the impact you can have, your whole life changes and you will experience the energy of Divine Love from Source Energy moving through you showing you what is the next divine step to take.

✔️ You will know as a love being and light being that what you choose is already choosing you. What you desire also desires you! You can have a career you love knowing you are doing what you came here to do, knowing you will be creating your greatest Joy and leaving your mark here on the planet. You came here at this time for a very important reason that only you can bring that forth!

✔️ You will begin to create a career and life you love from your heart, and as you share it, that joyful love you feel expands and lights the world!

✔️ You will develop a deeper understanding that saying YES to what you love, that brings you Joy allows you to create what you came here to create and contributes a positive energy to our world. You will begin saying NO to interfering energies and limiting beliefs stopping you from creating all you desire. No "Begone you have no power here" like Glinda from The Wizard of Oz! Get out your wand now!

You no longer have time for distractions keeping you from doing what you came here to do!

✔️ You will learn the 3-step process you need to Transform your life to impact thousands and create income doing what you love. you will transform to Your Joyful Enlightened Miracle Creating Self!

You are ready to tap into your true Joyful Abundant Self and create the impact in the world that you came here for! You know you are!

Say yes and together we can begin to create a world we know is Possible — one of Joyful Possibilities!

Transformation to Your






Me? I am a Sound Therapist and Intuitive Angel Communicator who shares songs from the Angels that assist in bringing people great Joy!


Join me live for a chance to receive your own Angel Song and all will experience a Sound Therapy Activation To Bring you More Joyful Abundance in all areas of your life!

Join the Event Here!